I like to write about exercising in hot weather every year because you can make your summer workouts effective, fun, and SAFE!! More exercise injuries occur during summer because of the hotter temperatures for two reasons:
- Many people start activity programs during warm weather and participate only one or two days a week (Weekend Warriors)
- Many exercisers neglect the increased need for water when the temperature is high.
Warm weather often motivates people to increase their activity, even after a winter of being sedentary. Weekend warriors are individuals who participate in sports or outdoor activities only once a week or so. The human body needs time to adapt to changes in the climate and it may take several weeks. Your fitness level and your amount of body fat are physical factors that affect how fast you adapt to higher temperatures. The fitter you are, the quicker you will adapt to changes in the climate. If you have excess body fat, it acts as insulation and slows heat loss. Therefore, summer weekend warriors are entering their favorite activities with two possible strikes against them.
Starting a program of regular activity now will prepare you for your summer weekend sport. Train yourself with a cardiovascular exercise, such as walking, running, biking, etc. at least three times a week for 30 minutes. Add some strength exercises such as pushups and squats. Follow this minimal program for 3-4 weeks and you will notice how much better you feel when the weather gets really hot.
Whether your are a weekend warrior or a regular exerciser, when that 100+ temperature does make its debut, follow your body’s need to reduce the intensity of your workout. In very hot, humid weather, the intensity of exercise lasting 30 minutes or more should be reduced and you should monitor your heart rate carefully. As the summer progresses, you will acclimate within two or three weeks and be able to resume your normal intensity.
Whenever possible, try to exercise in the cooler times of the day, wearing light colored, well-ventilated, loose fitting clothing. Never wear plastic or nylon jogging pants or suits. They prevent the evaporation of sweat and retain body heat. Wearing them is asking for a heat injury.
The body’s need for water is greater in the summer because hot weather presents two challenges: preventing dangerous elevations in your internal body temperature and avoiding dehydration. Heat related injuries are often caused by inadequate water intake.
Exercising muscles generate heat. As the body temperature rises, sweating begins. When sweat evaporates from the skin, it cools and lowers the temperature. Exercising under extreme environmental conditions, such as heat and humidity, increases cardiovascular stress. In hot weather, it is harder to dissipate internal heat.
The larger you are, the more you sweat. Women sweat less than men. Conditioned athletes sweat more than beginning exercisers and at a lower body temperature. (Athletes also lose fewer electrolytes from sweating than less conditioned people.)
Sweat is made of water. The body’s water is an essential nutrient composing 55 – 60 % of an adult’s weight. During an average day a person loses up to two or three quarts of water. Excessive sweating during intense exercise can cause a loss of as much as two or three gallons of water a day.
Never restrict water during exercise. Stay well hydrated by drinking a lot of cold water. Do not rely on thirst as an indicator of the need for water. You can become dehydrated before you feel thirsty. Drink 1 or 2 cups of water 15 – 30 minutes before exercising, then another cup every 15 – 20 minutes during your workout. Drink one or two cups more after your workout.
Cold water is best because it empties rapidly from the stomach and lowers the body’s core temperature. Sports drinks and sugared fluids are absorbed much slower and are less efficient at preventing dehydration. The electrolyte replacement is needed only by endurance athletes, such as marathon runners. If you eat a nutritious diet, you will get all the electrolytes you need. Drinks with caffeine or alcohol act as diuretics, which cause even faster water loss, so avoid them.
Outdoor athletes sometimes have difficulty carrying the amounts of water they need. Mount several water bottle holders on bikes. There are some wearable water bags that are great for any activity and free your hands. Remind children to have water available and drink often. Kids can overheat a lot faster than adults.
During your summer sports and fitness activities it is important to recognize your own individual heat tolerance and limits so that routine will be effective and safe!