Here are some tips to help you start:
First tip is: Set your goals! Do not be over optimistic, do not be over pessimistic in setting your goals. Just be realistic! No one can become a bodybuilding champ over night. Do not fool yourself, today I will lift 10000 pounds and tomorrow I will look like Terminator. Start by knowing your body and you will quickly learn what is a realistic goal for you. Write your realistic goals down, make a schedule. People make plans in their head and forget them, write your plans on a paper. Read your goals, follow a schedule. When you will feel down, look at your goals and what you already achieved and your mood will go up.
Follow a routine of your schedule! Make yourself a training program and follow it. Once you get in a rhythm, you will feel great and your body will be grateful!
Next tip is: Ask people, learn more about training, about lifting weights…! It is true the bodybuilding is a individual sport, but do not be afraid to ask people for the advice, ask your trainer, ask a friend. Trust me, people will help you if you ask them nicely. Knowledge is power is also true for bodybuilding.
The following tip is: You must overload/stress your muscle! Only way to build your muscle and gain strength is to stress your muscle. Bigger weight means bigger muscle! Do not over exceed yourself as you might heart yourself! Warm up by lifting smaller weights. Start slowly, use smaller weight, less repetitions, then steadily add more weight, and later more repetitions. If you would always lift the same amount of weight, then your progress will stop. So try to add more repetitions with lifting the same weight or add more weight with the same repetition or decrease the rest time between your repetitions.
The last tip is: Proper nutrition and proper rest! You may set your goals, lift heavy weights, but without proper nutrition and proper rest there will not be any progress. Your muscle as your body needs energy to work. The energy comes from the proper nutrition! Without proper nutrition you will be easily tired, so believe me when I say that proper nutrition is the key. The proper nutrition will have 40% of Carbohydrates, 40% of Protein and 20% of fat. The muscle growth happens while you sleep and rest so it is very important to rest and sleep properly.