Consider the causes of sore muscles as you think about the discomfort you feel after an intense workout.
Causes of Sore Muscles
Muscles can become very sore after exercise, especially when the person is not used to working out on a regular basis. When the muscles are stretched to their very limits, they can become sore because they have to heal. Since the muscle has to heal, it is important to avoid using it until the pain goes away.
Injury is not the only cause of sore muscles. The condition can occur if the muscles do not get enough oxygen to feed the cells. Cells need oxygen in order to release energy, and when there is insufficient amounts of the gas, cells use another process in its place.
Fermentation is an energy-releasing process that cells in muscles may rely on when there is an insufficient amount of oxygen available. This process involves the production of lactic acid in the muscles. The excess of this substance can cause muscles to become sore. Once this element is gone, the pain disappears.
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is a natural occurrence for people who do not exercise on a regular basis. Some seasoned exercisers may experience this problem when they are engaging in new activities. Sometimes muscles that are not commonly used become sore when they are engaged after long periods of inactivity.
Identifying this type of muscle soreness as opposed to injury or fermentation can be challenging. Those who are beginners can assume that the pain is caused by activity following inactivity, but the pain can be due to injury. This is especially important to consider if the pain does not go away in a reasonable time or if it continues after you are practicing the same routine regularly.
Preventing Muscle Soreness
Since is it always advisable to rest sore muscles until the pain goes away, it is important to prevent becoming sore in the first place. This is critical if you want to develop a regular exercise routine. Waiting a few days between workouts can lead to abandoning the exercise habit.
It is better to have a mild workout that you practice on a regular basis than it is to have one intense workout every few weeks. Taking some precautions can help:
- Always warm up before working out
- Make sure to engaging in cool down exercises
- Stretch before and after workouts
- Make changes in routine regularly
- Use appropriate weight for resistance training
- Avoid straining
- Get an even workout that addresses all muscle groups
Common sense comes into play as well. Beginners who want to engage in aerobic activity can benefit from taking brisk walks instead of running. Exercise is important and it is helpful to take small steps in building up stamina for certain programs. This is one of the best ways to ensure that muscle soreness after exercise is minimal.