Eating a Rich Antioxidant Diet for Good Looks
Have you tried every potion out there that claims to give you younger looking skin with no success? There could be a cheaper way to achieve youthful beauty. You could simply start eating an apple a day the way your mother always told you to. Eating an antioxidant diet with antioxidant dietary supplement is a good way to help you look younger and feel better.
Not only will you start looking better but you will have better health on the inside. As everyone knows health starts from the inside, topical creams will not do as much as foods that make you healthier from the inside.
What are Antioxidants And Antioxidant Dietary Supplement?
You might want to know what antioxidants and antioxidant dietary supplement are. They are compounds that will help to cancel out or balance the unhealthy environments that we live in today. It doesn’t matter if you don’t smoke and run three miles a day, everyone is exposed to pollution, sunlight, and second hand smoke at some point.
There’s no way that you can completely hide from the effects of pollution, sunlight, or second hand smoke. You can limit the time you spend in the sun and avoid going to smoky places but pollution is everywhere and hard to avoid. Your body is exposed to free radicals when you are exposed to these three things.
Detoxifying your body is the only way to get rid of free radicals. The best way to do this is to have an antioxidant diet. An antioxidant diet is simply a diet that is rich with antioxidant foods. You can even take an antioxidant dietary supplement to help you filter out all the toxins you absorb in the course of a day.
You can start your antioxidant diet by color coding your food. Look for foods with distinctive colors, red tomatoes and cherries, bright yellow corn and mangoes, and deep blue blueberries are all good things to have in an antioxidant diet. Another way to find antioxidants in food is to look at the nutritional content of your food.
If the food you are eating is rich in Vitamin C, A, and E then you are getting plenty of antioxidants. Besides providing you with protection against age related diseases these foods are good for your overall health. Try to minimize cooking the foods in your antioxidant diet. Tomatoes have more antioxidants when raw than when you cook them. If possible try to buy organic so that your antioxidant diet food has no chemical traces in it.