Rule 2. Get 20-30% of daily energy intake from fat. Fat – is also a very important element, because it is part of the cell membranes. Also keep in mind that the steroid hormones that are so important for muscle growth are also of lipid nature and the best metabolic response to training requires adequate supply fats. Find the necessary fats in vegetable oils, eggs and lean meat.
Rule 3. Eat at least 25 calories per pound of body weight. If you are a man and you are involved in weight lifting process, it is best to receive 30-35 calories that will allow you to grow. If you weight arround 90 kg, for a set of mass you need to consume 2700-3150 kilocalories, and for fat loss – 2250 kcal.
Rule 4. Always eat the necessary amount of carbohydrates. Generally you should eat 3 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight, but if train lot, you can increase this number. Remember that the lack of carbohydrates may hinder the recovery problems and cause health problems.
Remember that no supplements or vitamins will help you achieve the expected results if you do not respect a competent and faithful diet. If you want good results, you have to strictly follow the regime, providing the body with all necessary substances for adequate growth and recovery.