Plant products:
- Nature doesn’t package cholesterol in any food.
- Nature supplies primarily unsaturated fat.
- Nature generally packages this fat in small quantities, except in nuts and seeds.
- Nature never packages fat without fiber and an array of vitamins and minerals.
- Nature never packages protein without fiber and an array of vitamins and minerals.
- Nature generally includes carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and water together in all plants in more modest quantities rather than large concentrations of just one element.
- Nature has equipped plants to be our major source of energy and protection from disease.
Contrast that with animal products:
- Flesh and dairy foods all contain cholesterol.
- These foods supply saturated fat.
- These foods supply the dangerous combination of both cholesterol and saturated fat together.
- Cholesterol and saturated fat are in larger quantities than the unsaturated fats in plant foods.
- Fat comes without fiber.
- Protein comes without fiber.
- These foods are noted for supplying only a few elements, in higher concentrations, rather than a wide array of nutrients in modest amounts.
- Flesh has no significant carbohydrate, the body’s premium fuel.