Author: andrew-custard

One tablespoon of seeds will fill a quart jar with several ounces of sprouts.A 4-ounce package will yield several pounds. Take less than a minute per day to grow and prepare. They will grow nearly anywhere indoors, in any season. Sprouts require very little space and travel well. They are the ideal vegetables for campers, boaters and RV’ers. Complete, easy -to-follow instructions are provided in the sprouting kits, on the seed package labels and in the Handy Pantry’s book, Sprouting for Health in the new millennium. This “garden in your kitchen” grows very fast, in any kind of weather. No…

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This vitamin assists in the process of converting tryptophan to niacin as well as converting one kind of amino acid (protein building blocks) into another. It contributes to the regulation of blood glucose and plays a role in immune function. Women have taken it to combat PMS symptoms. It was by means of the megadoses taken for this reason that it was discovered that too much B6 could create toxic symptoms after as little as two months. Moderate amounts taken as supplements for this reason also resulted in toxic symptoms after about five years. To date, no conclusive studies have…

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According to the dictionary, honey is a sweet yellowish or brownish fluid produced by various bees from the nectar of flowers. Besides using honey as food, did you know that honey is one of the oldest and most effective beauty aids. Honey contains waxes, sugars, and traces of minerals. It is a natural moisturizer, as well as an anti-irritant making it suitable for sensitive skin types. Honey can be found in many of the beauty products you find in your local drug store or favorite beauty supply store. Some of these products can be very expensive to purchase and many…

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Healthy dietary patterns, including the low glycemic index diets and Mediterannean type diets have received much recognition over the past few years for their association with substantial health benefits. A cross-sectional study evaluating plasma markers and dietary data from 987 diabetic women from the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS) revealed that women following a Mediterranean-type dietary pattern albeit older tended to have lower body mass indexes and waist circumferences, and had higher total energy intakes, physical activities, and plasma adiponectin concentrations. Of the several components of the Mediterranean dietary pattern score, alcohol, nuts, and whole grains showed the strongest association with…

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Weight gainers were popular years ago mainly because of the name itself. There are no current weight gainer that is worth taking right now. The majority of them are all way too high in sugar and too low in protein. Basically what they do is add a bunch of nutrient sparse calories that go more toward increasing fat than muscle. It is recommended to avoid at least the current crop of weight gainers. As for right now, leave the weight gainers on the shelf.

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Strategy can be defined as “a careful plan or method.” It is the choosing of a specific set of tactics that will enable the student to accomplish their desired goal in an efficient and effective manner. The strategy they choose will depend upon the unique set of circumstances that have presented themselves. It will also depend on the amount of technical information the student has, as well as which attributes the student and his opponent possess. It would be efficient to start by learning and practicing the mechanics of a specific technique. Next, you put some techniques together into two…

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There are ways you can still enjoy some of the highly acidic foods you’re currently eating, even if you’re overly acidic. Fruit drinks Add sodium bicarbonate to your fruit drinks: one-half to one teaspoon per quart. This will make the drink taste smoother and richer as well as increase the pH. To improve digestibility, have these drinks first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. If you want to add protein powder, use vegetable protein, which is less acidic than animal protein. And don’t drink these with protein-rich meals containing milk or meat, since they require more acid production…

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Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common repetitive-work-related injury. It’s often seen in those who work on computers for many hours (keyboard or mouse) or perform repeated fine motor movements (tasks requiring grasping, pinching, gripping and so on). What does that have to do with weight training? Certain exercises aggravate carpal tunnel syndrome, which is now prevalent due to the computer’s prominence in the workplace. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the name given to the irritation and compression of the median nerve in the wrist. The nerve travels down the arm and enters the top of the forearm, where it can also…

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Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. Nearly 99% of it is stored in the bones, where it not only serves to formulate bonestructure but functions as a bank which deposits calcium into the body fluids at the very slightest indication that blood calcium levels have dropped. It not only builds bone and teeth, but maintains bone density and strength. Once bone is built it is not static; minerals of the bone are in constant flux, reforming and dismantling. The other one percent travels in the fluids that bathe and fill our cells. It’s a minute amount, but…

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If you’re a veteran bodybuilder or or a beginner it is pretty sure that you’ve heard about the supplements Creatine and Glutamine. I’m sure you’ve also heard many people say to take it before your workouts, after your workouts, on an empty stomach, before bed, when you get up? Everyone is so quick to give advise yet many of these people do not know what these two incredible supplements do? Creatine was discovered in the late 1800’s but was it wasn’t until the 1980’s that sports nutritionists discovered how useful this supplement was in building muscle. Creatine is a naturally…

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