Author: andrew-custard

1. Go to bed and get up on a regular schedule. 2. If your sleeplessness stems from worry or grief, try to correct what’s bothering you, accepting that you may not be able to change your situation overnight, but by taking one step at a time positive changes can be achieved. A pastor, counselor, or trusted friend may provide support through the difficulty. 3. Don’t drink alcohol before bedtime—and don’t smoke. Alcohol can disrupt sleep patterns and make insomnia worse. Nicotine also contributes to wakefulness. 4. Avoid eating a heavy meal in the evening. The evening meal should be the…

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This vitamin is well known to all. Its name, ascorbic acid, means no scurvy acid, stemming from the discovery that citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and limes prevented death from scurvy during the long ocean voyages in which stores of fruits and vegetables were depleted well before the journey’s end. Vitamin C is water-soluble, and is thereby susceptible to leaching out of food during the cooking process. Less time in cooking and using less water will assist in preserving the vitamin content of the food. One must also be mindful to keep containers closed tightly when storing vitamin C products,…

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If you don’t eat the right kinds of foods, and consume the right amount of calories, you won’t be able to perform as you normally would. This is not only dangerous and unhealthy, but it’s also frustrating because you won’t be performing at your optimum level. Just like you put fuel in your car in order to take you from point A to point B, you need to consume enough calories, from good healthy foods, in order to boost your energy and enable your body to perform at the highest levels. World class champions and your favorite sports stars know…

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All good muscle building diets should consist of the three macro-nutrients: Protein Carbs Fats There are many different views as to how much of each one you should consume. For the average Joe it is recommended obtaining about 50% of your calories from carbs, 25% from protein and 25% from fats. However I would adjust these figures for a muscle building diet. I would recommend getting about 45% of your daily calories from carbs, 40% from protein and 15% from fats. Your diet should also consist of the micro-nutrients element of nutrition. That is Vitamins and Minerals Having said that…

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Muscle Building Supplements are not an absolute must for bodybuilders, but can be used alongside a well-balanced diet to show off all that hard work in the gym. If you feel like you want to supplement your diet then the following guide should help find the right supplement for you. At we only recommend substances approved by the International Natural bodybuilding Association (INBA). Protein Powder Looking for a quality protein powder is not hard as there are so many. Points to look for are the levels of protein and the levels of the BCAA’s leucine, isoleucine and valine. Taste…

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What is protein? Protein is one of three macronutrients needed and used by the body. These are Protein, Carbohydrates and Fats. Basically proteins are a series of Amino Acids linked in a chain. There are 22 amino acids and the body needs all of them in order to function correctly. The amino acids contain Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen, combining in different structures to form different types of protein. The positive Nitrogen balance created by consumption of protein is essential for muscle building. The 22 amino acids are made up of 8 essential and 14 non-essential.* Non-essential amino acids occur…

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Diet and Nutrition Program By making changes to your diet you will begin to see and feel a number of improvements to your body and to your life. You will feel you have more energy, you will lose weight, your skin will become healthier and many other health benefits inside your body that can easily be ignored if not immediately visible. Any successful diet and nutrition program is made up of many different components. The following are just some of the basic things you should include in your diet and nutrition program. Books and Software In order to change the…

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Carbohydrates otherwise known as carbs have really gotten a bad rep over recent years. Being attacked by the fitness and dieting sectors alike. The truth is these attacks are unjustified as carbs should be the cornerstone of any nutrition plan. Carbs are the body’s preferred source of energy which makes them essential for athletes and strength trainers alike and are needed for muscle building. The Truth About Carbs Upon digestion carbs are broken down into glucose or converted to glycogen to be stored. The glucose enters the blood stream as blood sugar to provide food to the brain and to…

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Sports Nutrition Supplements Just because all the magazines, guys and the gym and most other people you talk to say you need sports nutrition supplements, doesn’t mean you need them. Ask yourself why you’re taking them. Most people involved in fitness or weightlifting start taking supplements because they think they have to with no thought as to why. Considering how expensive sports nutrition supplements are it can sometimes be hard to understand how people can easily hand over their hard earned cash for these products. To start with you should consider whether or not your diet is in order. You…

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Vitamins and minerals are the micro nutrients that complete your diet. These are essential and make your body work properly. They boost your immune system and support normal growth and development. Often overlooked perfecting this element of your diet will vastly improve your chances of success in the gym. Vitamins There are two groups of vitamins: fat soluble e.g. A, D, E and K; and water soluble e.g. B and C. Fat soluble vitamins are absorbed into the bloodstream and stored in the liver. As they can be stored they are not required to be replenished on a daily basis.…

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