Author: Chris Ritchie

True athletes never stop. They never stop improving the condition of their bodies. They never stop practicing the sports that they play, and they never stop looking for better nutritional options or supplements. They are always seeking information, and here are 10 simple tips to maximize athletic performance. There is No Such Thing as a Natural Athlete You may have heard others referred to natural athletes, and this term may have even been applied to you at some point. There are those who have natural athletic talent, but there are no true natural athletes in terms of performance or fitness.…

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Exercises are a fad for many people who are in their twenties and thirties. However, once you are in the wrong side of fifty, integrating exercises in your daily regimen can be worrisome. Fortunately, there are some forms of exercises which do not entail rigorous training. Besides keeping the seniors physically fit, these exercises enhance the emotional well-being as well. The ten ideal exercises for seniors are described in the following paragraphs: 1. YogaYoga is the ancient Indian practice for relieving stress as well as alleviating muscle pains and aches. Yoga is a full body workout which stresses on deep…

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Exercise performed on a treadmill can benefit your health either helping to acquire optimal weight, toning lean muscles or by providing a great cardiovascular workout in general. Cardiovascular exercise such as walking, jogging or running can all be performed on a treadmill in the privacy of your own home. You must take care to not injure yourself when choosing to work out on a treadmill, they are not toys they are exercise equipment and can cause harm if not used correctly. Beginners Guide to Treadmill Safety FirstWhether this is your first time on a treadmill or your millionth time you…

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Weight lifting is very popular in today’s health conscious society and offers its own set of health benefits. With the good benefits, as always come the bad. Before you start weight lifting you should consider the potential risks of the sport and be aware of the good and the bad to make your decision. Risks of Weight Lifting include Serious InjuryThe most common risk with weight lifting is injury. This is a big risk for beginners who are attempting to lift more than their body is able to lift. The quote “no pain, no gain” does not apply to weight…

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The problem of excess pounds is becoming increasingly burdensome for both sexes. Along with the sound advice on diet, exercise, sleep, we will reveal some tricks that will help in maintaining or regaining your silhouette. 1. Healthy SweetsIce cream, chocolate and cookies are very tasty, but we can get the daily requirement of sugar from other healthier foods that also accelerate the fat burning, energizing us and contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals: fruit. It is recommended to eat a pound of fruit a day, after meals. This habit will also improve your digestion! 2. Dry Bread Or ToastIf the hunger…

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Have you noticed an excessive amount of flab when you hold your arms up? In most cases, there is something that you can do about that flab. You simply need 7 easy ways to tone your arms. You will be amazed at how little effort it takes to make huge changes. Age and FlabFlab can occur for a wide range of reasons. The four most common causes are excess weight, weight loss, lack of exercise, and age. Of these causes, age is the one that you can do the least about. Age happens to all of us, and it brings…

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Working out doesn’t only need to involve going to the gym, having to deal with the crowds, and feeling uncomfortable. As a matter of fact, there are plenty exercises you can do right in the great outdoors and you don’t need to worry about purchasing any sort of expensive equipment. When you workout outside, you not only get to enjoy the weather but you can be more focused, making your workout even more a success. 1. Push-upsThere are many activities you can do outdoors that will work your uppers. This includes push-ups. To do a push up correctly, you should…

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If you want to lose weight, improve your physical condition, improve your general health, and even strengthen your mental state, you may want to seriously consider the benefits of Tai Chi. Tai Chi is a form of martial arts. Tai Chi Is Suitable for All AgesBefore you decide that Tai Chi isn’t for you, get the mental pictures of kung fu kicks and breaking boards with Karate chops out of your head. That is not what Tai Chi is about. Tai Chi is suitable for all ages, all sexes, and even for all physical conditions. If you are older, overweight,…

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Anabolic steroids are the drugs which are similar to testosterone and are generally given to patients who have testosterone deficiency. Doctors often prescribe anabolic steroids to boys having certain genetic disorders or children who have a delayed puberty. Furthermore, anabolic steroids are often by athletes since it’s considered as a drug which can enhance physical performance. The common anabolic steroids which are prescribed by doctors include Nandrolone such as Durabolin and Fluoxymesterone like Halotestin. Although anabolic steroids may apparently have certain health benefits, its detriments far outweigh its benefits. Here are the top five side effects of anabolic steroids: 1.…

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Do you have any idea how important your legs are? Do you take them for granted? Do you assume that they will still serve you as well at the age of 60 as they do at the age of 30? The chances are good that they won’t. In fact, as you age, your legs will lose a great deal of flexibility. You need easy exercises for leg flexibility. Start with the Back MusclesBefore you think about strengthening your legs for flexibility, you first need to strengthen your lower back muscles. This is true for any other part of your body…

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