Author: Chris Ritchie

I have always loved the taste of cinnamon, especially around the holidays! So I was pleasantly surprised to come across some research on this delicious spice from the USDA Research Center in Maryland. When they researched how some foods affected glucose levels in the body, they quite by accident discovered that cinnamon stabilized and even lowered the glucose levels in the body. They were conducting this study with apple pie. They had expected it to spike glucose levels but were baffled when that was not the case. Turns out it was the cinnamon! The studies they did with rats were…

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Antioxidants can help prevent various health problems, and incorporating them in daily diet is a good way to stay healthy. It is better to protect our bodies by getting the antioxidants from natural sources rather than by using prescription drugs. There are few best natural antioxidant foods that help you take good care of your health. Best Natural Antioxidant Foods Strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and cranberries are one of the best natural antioxidants as they have great healing power and they also smell and taste great. They help prevent heart disease and cancer. Blueberries are known to slow aging, and…

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There is always a constant search for best sources of all natural antioxidants, and ways to incorporate them in our daily lives. Antioxidants are extremely important for good health, and natural foods are the best way to get them. These days, markets are flooded with a variety of dietary supplements, but no supplement can beat the antioxidants that are obtained directly from natural foods. All Natural Antioxidants It is easy to judge how much antioxidants you can get from a particular fruit or vegetable based on its color. Brighter colors give more useful vitamins, and berries are one of the…

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Antioxidant Supplement Can Help Maintain Healthy Systems Many years ago, it was determined that the oxidation process was damaging to many metals and agents were developed to help halt this process. Continuing research of the human body has shown that a similar action occurs in all living animals and the process can be damaging to cells, organs and tissue. The use of an antioxidant supplement has shown to remove the free radicals that steal electrons from other atoms in the body, causing the degeneration of the affected organ. Another way to look at the importance of any antioxidant supplement is…

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Antioxidant Drink Makes Surprising, Questionable Claims It would seem as though nearly everyone is jumping on the antioxidant bandwagon these days with supplements galore hitting the market. Almost every week it seems like a new product claiming numerous health benefits are being introduced, to add antioxidants to everyone’s system. From pills and powders to a new antioxidant drink, there are many new ways to rid the system of free radicals, shown to be a nuisance to good health. While there is little doubt in the medical field that antioxidants are a necessary part of overall good health, there may be…

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Eating a Rich Antioxidant Diet for Good Looks Have you tried every potion out there that claims to give you younger looking skin with no success? There could be a cheaper way to achieve youthful beauty. You could simply start eating an apple a day the way your mother always told you to. Eating an antioxidant diet with antioxidant dietary supplement is a good way to help you look younger and feel better. Not only will you start looking better but you will have better health on the inside. As everyone knows health starts from the inside, topical creams will…

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If you have a vitamin D deficiency thyroid problem, you need to take it seriously. You can’t just eat your vitamins, drink some water, and hope that the condition will go away. If you ignore this condition you could become incredibly ill. This illness could then result in some serious side effects that can make it not only difficult to go into work but to get out of your bed. Folks with vitamin D deficiency thyroid issues often feel isolated. The following are some of the most common effects of a vitamin D deficiency. Fatigue Is Most Common Vitamin D…

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There are different ways of making homemade acne treatments. Most of them are very asy to prepare, with the ingredients readily available at stores near you. Homemade acne treatments are much safer because they don’t have side effects. Many of the homemade acne treatments are water based, which also helps in promoting good and healthy skin. Acne is caused by the build-up of oil and dirt. Bacteria on the skin make the condition worse. Here are some homemade acne treatments that can helpful you easily treat acne right from the comforts of your home: 1. Baking Soda Paste This is…

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Acne during pregnancy is very common. This is because the hormone level of an expecting mother gets very elevated. During this stage the skin is prone to breakouts, coupled with irritable feeling and discomfort. For some women, the presence of acne lowers their self-esteem even more. And so they try to look for the best medicine to treat acne the fastest and easiest way, without even consulting a doctor. This is a very dangerous decision, as pregnant mothers should never take anything without clearing it with their doctors first. Treating acne during pregnancy requires cautious medication. However, there are medicines…

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Now, you don’t have to be bothered at all because of surplus fat on your body. Heaviness problem is being faced by 90% young people in every place of the world. It’s all because of unwholesome diet and no substantial activities. To reduce weight without including any pain and problem, it is better to eat clenbuetrol drug. It is intended for asthma patients but now extensively used by public for weight loss. Earlier, in various countries it was given to horses for loss of fat and to raise their strength to run fast, but it was barred because it had…

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