Author: Chris Ritchie

Summer Training ProgramTired of getting sand kicked in your face! Want Biceps like a real man? Let me show you how to get jacked for summer! Although you will not build all that much of “real muscle” in 6 weeks or so, you can condition and firm your muscles and add blood flow enough to appear “jacked”. The firmness and added blood flow will give you the appearance of “bigger muscles”. It is not that I want you to stop at that; I wish all of you would continue weight training to slowly add real muscle mass progressively over the…

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If you have been lifting weights for sometime or have been reading bodybuilding magazines and journals, you would have probably heard of super setting. However, how often have you seen people super setting when weight lifting? If you did, did you notice those guys who were super setting were almost invariably the bigger boys. If you want to be big, then why didn’t you superset like them since you have seen that super setting can help you build big muscles? What is weight lifting superset? A superset is when you perform two exercises back to back with no rest in…

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The Weight training is a form of exercise where one is able to develop the skeletal muscle as well as the physical strength of his or her body. Millions of people all over the world choose to take care of their health and therefore, the weight training program is in immense height at the present time. The weight training program is the common sort of resistance exercise and can also be called as the strength or the power training. When it is accurately performed, weight training mainly provides up significant useful profit results and improvement in ones general health and…

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Chest Training The common error here is doing too many bench presses and neglecting the upper-pectoral area. In most people the lower pecs are easy to build, especially by doing lots of bench presses. But after doing only flat-bench work, you’ll develop an imbalance between the upper and lower pecs, with a noticeable lack of muscle density in the upper area. You can do bench presses, but make sure you include more upper-pec exercises, such as incline presses and incline flyes. Doing bench presses to the neck is also great for thickening a deficient upper chest. Shoulder TrainingWhile various types…

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Never train through injuries. If an injury does not clear up quickly by itself, see a training-orientated injury specialist. Investigate the probable trigger of the injury (incorrect training), correct it, and do not let it happen again. And when you get an injury, investigate non-intrusive and non-drug therapies. Those who hoist the biggest poundages do not necessarily have the biggest muscles. It is not just sheer poundage that matters. Individual leverages, type of training used, lifting support gear (in powerlifting), muscle composition factors, neurological efficiency, and lifting technique, among other elements, account for differences in muscular development among individuals of…

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While competitive bodybuilding and powerlifting act as terrific deadline creators, do not enter without expecting competition from drug users. Testing is either non-existent or such a joke that some of the most prominent “naturals” are well-juiced. A much more realistic and fair type of competition is to set up something informal with a training partner, friend or pen pal. Make it bodyweight related for maximum reps for each exercise, e.g., squat 150% bodyweight, bench press bodyweight, and barbell curl 50% bodyweight. Set the date of the competition a few months away, structure a training cycle to peak on the meet…

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Many men who join a gym have the same goals in their head – they either want to lose weight and tighten up or they want to get big and put on muscle. If you ask the men who do women prefer, the lean fit guy or the big muscular guy, would their answer come out even? And which body type do women actually prefer their men to have? A recent survey carried out by Men’s Fitness Magazine of 3000 participants, both men and women, may shock you. Add More MuscleCompared to last year, when only 43% of men said…

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According to the Medical University of South Carolina’s Nutrition Services, water makes up 60% of male bodies and 50% of females. The human body requires water to rid itself of toxins, increase blood volume, and regulate temperature. It hydrates, cleanses and keeps the body in balance. Immersing in water lowers heart rate. It’s no surprise that water workouts have enormous aerobic and anaerobic benefits as well. Water workouts versus Weight TrainingWater is 700 times denser than air which encourages excellent resistance training. With weight training a muscle group contracts and releases, pulling against gravity, then lowering or resisting gravity, known…

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A fat burning recipe is actually a part of healthy meals recipes and it is utmost easy, and at the same time yummy. The advantage of these recipes is besides being healthy, they eradicate the tension which overweight people go through during a weight-loss program. Here, we are presenting some such recipes. Even you can create such kinds of simple recipes creating your own combinations. Our first delicacy is Mexican pizza. For its preparation, you will require whole wheat pitas, a teaspoon of oregano, 2-3 tablespoons of diced pineapple, a piece of cooked and crumbled turkey bacon, 1/3 cup of…

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In human being way of life it has become important to pay attention to existing recommendations to keep you contemporary, nicely balanced and enthusiastic throughout the day. Lifestyle a nicely balanced life is one of the most pleasant and nutrients one can do for their health and well-being. There are certain existing recommendations that help people to stay with power and cheerfulness. Awaken beginning and meditate By rising beginning you hook up with characteristics, enjoy the sun increase and you give a new beginning to the day. One can practice life shifting deep breathing methods and perform them beginning every…

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