Types of Muscle FibersBy andrew-custardMay 5, 20130 Type I fibers (sometimes called slow-twitch or slow-oxidative fibers) are better designed for prolonged exercise performed at a lower intensity.…
Folic Acid BenefitsBy andrew-custardMarch 22, 20130 You may not realize it, but your body is constantly making new cells to replace old ones that wear out.…
Know Your Anatomy: Types of MusclesBy andrew-custardMarch 15, 20130 There are three unique kinds of muscle in any mammal’s body: Skeletal muscle is the type of muscle that we…
The Crucial Role of GlutathioneBy andrew-custardMarch 7, 20130 Formula Every second of every day, your body makes damaging free radicals. And every second your body makes a powerful…
How Different Tissues Contribute to Our Weight?By andrew-custardFebruary 24, 20130 While it is interesting to know how much water, protein, fat, carbohydrate, and minerals are found in the body, it…