Types and Uses of Fitness EquipmentBy Chris RitchieAugust 28, 20170 Fitness equipment is basically anything that is used, or can be used, to get in or stay in good physical…
The Best Adjustable Dumbbell Hand Weight SetsBy Chris RitchieMarch 14, 20160 Quick weight changes are needed for circuit training workouts that use free weights (such as P90X and ChaLEAN Extreme). Loading…
Machine Weights vs. Free WeightsBy Chris RitchieFebruary 12, 20160 Cybex. Nautilus. Life Fitness. Hammer Strength. These are just a few of the brands of strength training equipment made popular…
Weight Training ProgramBy Chris RitchieJanuary 30, 20160 Exercisers just starting a weight training program may have questions about which workout method is best – free weights or…