If you really want to build muscle, there are numerous things that you can do.
Building muscle starts with the right foods and the right exercises – in the right amounts. Building muscle can also include the use of various supplements. If you want to use these, you need to have a clear understanding of 5 supplements to assist with muscle building.
Protein and Creatine Supplements for Muscle Building
Protein is the essential ingredient in muscle building. Without protein, you cannot build muscle at all, and in fact, you will lose a great deal of muscle. You should be consuming about two grams of protein for every pound that you weight. If you weight 160 pounds, you need 320 grams of protein each day. Protein comes in a variety of forms, including shakes, bars, and capsules.
Along with protein, you need creatine. This product increases the mass of your muscles, and it occurs naturally in the body already – but you need to increase it. Creatine comes in a variety of forms as well, including powder and capsules.
Glutamine and HMB Supplements for Muscle Building
Glutamine, also known as L-Glutamine, is a very important amino acid that is naturally found in muscle tissue. In fact, this important amino acid actually helps to protect the muscle from wasting away, and helps the muscle to recover after workouts or injuries. It is important to note that while you can use both glutamine and creatine, you should not use them together at the same time.
HMB is another important amino acid, but it is a newer supplement that is available today. HMB has been proven to build muscle as it helps the muscles to burn fat.
HGH Supplements for Muscle Building
HGH is the Human Growth Hormone. This hormone is naturally produced by the body, from the anterior pituitary gland. It has been proven that once you hit the age of 30, your body practically stops producing this hormone. HGH can be found in a number of different supplemental products, and you should definitely choose a supplement that contains this essential muscle building hormone.
It’s also vital that you understand that while supplements are essential to building muscle, you must exercise those muscles properly as well, and eat a well-balanced diet that is designed for muscle building. Without those two essentials, the supplements that you take won’t do you a lot of good, and you need to make sure that you are eating about six times each day.