You aren’t getting enough
You shouldn’t count soda and coffee. Though they are liquid beverages that increase diuresis and when that occurs water is being held in body. 6-8 glasses of water isn’t enough for you if you are training hardcore. You need more, at least half a gallon… each and every day.
Metabolizing fat
Without enough water, the kidneys can’t function properly. When this occurs, some of the load goes to the liver. The liver metabolizes stored fat for energy. If the liver is doing some of the kidneys’ work, it burns less fat. And water actually reduces feeling of hunger.
Reduces Fluid Retention
When you drink plenty of water you cut down your body water supplies.. the body has mind of it’s own – when you drink water a little, body thinks that there will be a shortage and starts to build ups its water supply ( you skin start to look soft and puffy ) but when you drink plenty of it your body understand that there will be no shortage of water and flushes it right out – excellent.
Keeps you regular
Too little water, and your body uses the water from organs such as the colon. Plus, water allows you to digest your meals efficiently. This is especially true when you’re consuming more than 4,000 calories per day.
Helps individuals who get too much salt
If water retention is a chronic problem, it may be because there’s too much salt in your diet(and if it is so… don’t call it diet, but torturing your body). The higher the sodium intake, the more the body tries to retain water (to dilute its concentration). Try to reduce your sodium intake.. this is vital!
Helps your supplements to work better
Supplements like creatine work in part because it pulls water in muscle cells, creatine creates an anabolic environment that is vital for muscle growth, regaining your strength and more. For this to work properly, you need plenty of water. Plus, if you’re training hard, then you must take extra vitamins (such as Animal pack, Spa pack or similar). Many vitamins are water soluble, and water unlocks the power of those vitamins and this is what we want.
So consider all of this before drinking water glass.. and drink two. Always remember that water is the basic – not only the basic of your diet but the basic of yourself too!