Do you have any idea how important your legs are? Do you take them for granted? Do you assume that they will still serve you as well at the age of 60 as they do at the age of 30? The chances are good that they won’t. In fact, as you age, your legs will lose a great deal of flexibility. You need easy exercises for leg flexibility.
Start with the Back Muscles
Before you think about strengthening your legs for flexibility, you first need to strengthen your lower back muscles. This is true for any other part of your body that you want to strengthen. While strengthening the back muscles first does serve to protect the back from harm, it also serves in making it easier to strengthen your limbs as well.
The easiest way to strengthen the back muscles is to lie down on the floor, and keep one leg straight. Bend the other leg at the knee and bring that leg up towards your chest – as close to your chest as you possibly can. Hold it there for at least ten seconds. Bring the leg back down, and cross it over the straight leg, allowing that knee to touch the floor. Hold this position for about ten seconds. Repeat these moves with the other leg, and do the routine about five times for each leg.
Progress to the Hips for Flexibility
You need strong, flexible hips, so you have to do some strengthening exercises in this department as well. Hold onto a chair or counter, and raise one leg out to your side as far as you can. Turn your ankle in and out about ten times before bringing the leg back down.
This exercise can be done lying down as well. Lie down and spread your legs apart as far as they will go, and then turn your ankle in and out about ten times. In this position, you can work both hips at the same time.
Keep the Legs Strong for Flexibility
Lie down with your knees bent. Keep your feet flat on the floor. Straighten one leg and tighten up the muscle on top of the thigh. As you tighten this muscle, try to straighten the leg at the knee even more. Raise the leg one to two feet off of the ground, and be careful to keep the small of your back firmly on the floor while you do this. Repeat this exercise for each leg.
Standing up and hold onto a chair or other support. Gently move your straight leg back as far as you can, without arching your back. Keep your knee straight. When you’ve gone back as far as you can hold that position for about ten seconds. Repeat ten times for each leg.