Motivation is the key to success for most things in life. Motivation comes from a wide range of sources, and this is especially true when it comes to motivation for exercise. You need to find motivation to begin exercise, and motivation to continue during exercise.
Motivation to Start Exercising
There are many reasons why you should start exercising, and those reasons become your motivation. Do you want better health? Do you want to be in better shape? Do you want to fit into a certain item of clothing, or do you have a special event coming up? These are all forms of motivation to start exercising.
Like anything else, however, it comes down to how important something is to you. How important is your health? If you want to live a long, healthy life, it should be one of your highest priorities, and that should be all of the motivation that is required to start an exercise program. Starting, of course is the easy part. Sticking with it is a bit harder.
Motivation to Continue Exercise Sessions
You’re hot, you’re huffing and puffing. You aren’t quite sure of the moves, and you’re sweating like a pig. Now, you need motivation to continue the exercise session that you are participating in. Quitting would be so easy at this point, but you can’t quit!
First, consider how much longer the class or session will be. Most exercise classes only last an hour. An hour is actually a very short period of time. Think about how good you will feel by completing the session, even if your moves weren’t perfect. Think of how much good this is doing your body. Think of that item of clothing or that event. Take a deep breath, remember that there will be an end to it, and continue on!
Motivation to Start a New Exercise Session
You made it through an exercise session, and the time for the next session is nearing. You remember sweating and gasping for air. Your muscles are still sore. How can you motivate yourself to attend another session? Are you going to quit now?
Remember that exercise can actually become a habit, and for some people, it can become an actual addiction – and this could be a good thing for you. Attend this session and see how it goes, and of course use the motivation advice for continuing in a current session. Write down the reasons you want or need to exercise, and refer to that list often – particularly right before an exercise session is supposed to start – and you will always find your motivation.