HGH, or Human Growth Hormone, is essential to building muscle, and this is the main reason that most people will look for proven ways to boost HGH output. The thing is, you can increase your levels of HGH with supplements, but there are also other things that you can do to increase your HGH output.
Three Ways to Increase HGH Easily
The three easiest ways to increase your natural levels of HGH include:
- Get more sleep. You’ve got to increase the amount of sleep that you get. If you don’t get at least eight hours of sleep each twenty-four hour period, your body slows down its production of HGH, and other essential hormones.
- Eat More Often. Instead of eating three square meals a day, learn to eat six smaller meals each day. Your digestion plays a huge role in HGH production, and the easier it is for your body to digest your food, the more HGH it will produce. Going for long periods of time without eating makes it harder for your body to digest the food.
- Control Bedtime Eating. Stop eating two hours before your bedtime. If you do this, your body will produce more HGH during the first two hours that you are sleeping. If you have excess insulin in your body, however, which is a result of eating, the amount of HGH that is produced will be lessened.
Change Your Workout for Greater HGH Output
Through scientific experimentation, we know that changing your workout can actually increase your HGH output. Research has shown that people who work out at a higher intensity, and have more frequent workouts, produce the highest levels of HGH.
To achieve this, make sure that your workout includes at least 20 minutes of aerobic activity. This has shown to be the best high intensity exercise for the production of HGH. It is also important to include stretching exercises that employ numerous muscles at the same time, as this also increase HGH output.
What about HGH Injections?
Most doctors will not administer HGH injections, unless you are a child who isn’t growing properly due to a lack of HGH that occurs naturally. There are supplements that you can take that contain HGH, and supplements that will also increase the natural output of HGH. It is vital that you talk to your doctor about HGH supplements, which supplements are best, and which HGH supplements you should consider: