Painful muscle cramps in the legs are probably the most common complaint among runners and other athletes. Leg cramps affect many people, not just athletes. There are many factors that can cause leg muscles to cramp.
Dehydration Causes Electrolyte Imbalance and Leg Cramps
The loss of fluid leading to dehydration is common when exercising. A really good workout or run causes you to sweat, sometimes profusely. Sweat is loss of fluid and minerals from your body. Adults can lose up to 2 ½ quarts of fluid per hour through perspiration which includes fluid, sodium chloride, potassium, calcium and magnesium. If you have not had proper amounts of fluid in the days prior to intense workouts you are risking dehydration. It is important that you consume proper amounts of fluid and electrolytes each day and replace those you lose through sweat to avoid dehydration which can lead to electrolyte imbalance and leg cramps.
It is important to note that at the other end of the spectrum you can hyper-hydrate by drinking excessive amounts of water leading to a condition known as hyponatremia which is abnormally low levels of sodium in the body. Water intoxication is usually due to a misunderstanding of the amounts of fluid required during exercise.
Supplements for Electrolyte Imbalance and Leg Cramps
Many athletes and people who work outdoors in the heat may require electrolyte replacement due to fluid and minerals lost through perspiration to avoid muscle cramps and dehydration. There are supplements available in either powder or capsule forms and through beverages such as sports drinks. They can be purchased in supermarkets and health and athletic stores everywhere. Some of these include caffeine, carbohydrates and various other herbal compounds, read the labels to make sure you are getting what you intend to get in the area of electrolytes. The sports drinks are effective for resupplying energy for the muscles and lowering the risk for hyponatremia and dehydration. Since flavoring is added to these the salty, bitter flavor of the nutrients is masked making them more palatable.
Medications and Medical Conditions Related to Electrolyte Imbalance and Leg Cramps
Diuretic medications such as those prescribed for people with high blood pressure can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance with excessive activity when they are not compensated for. Some medical conditions such as diabetes, anemia, low blood sugar, thyroid, kidney and nerve disorders can cause muscle cramping as well. If you are experiencing chronic leg cramping make an appointment to have this evaluated by your physician and check for underlying causes.