Physical fitness has remained a buzz word in peoples vocabulary for many years. The term is an often repeated one that acts as a sweeping generalization used to describe getting in shape. Then again, the term getting in shape is a sweeping generalization as well. Part of the reasons that generalizations are made is because physical fitness can refer to a significant number of different areas that comprise the totality of exercise programs. Considering the fact that a broad based cross training regiment is more desirable than an over-specialized one, making such generalizations is not too, too bad. However, categorization needs to be employed at some point in order to pinpoint what type of specific workout you wish to perform. If you want to burn fat, you probably will want to avoid a mass building workout since mass building is not known for raising heart rates. So, in order to get the most out of a particular physical fitness program, it becomes necessary to categorize and define the specific purposes for the program.
Fat Burning
When you consumer calories that you do not expend, the excess calories will be stored as fat. If you are ingesting a diet high in saturated fat or refined sugars, then the volume of excess calories you consume will be so high that storing excess fat becomes almost unavoidable, In order to eliminate such stored fat, a physical fitness program designed to raise ones heart rate and burn stored fat for energy must be utilized. Such exercises include: running, kickboxing, swimming, rope jumping or any other type of activity that requires movement.
Increasing Muscle
In order to increase muscle mass, the muscles must be overloaded with stress by progressive resistance (weight lifting) so as to stimulate the expansion of muscle size in order to reduce the resistance. Basic compound moves such as bench presses, pull ups, squats and military presses can all accomplish this goal. (On a side note: increased muscle mass will lead to fat burning as well as muscle will metabolize stored fat in order to maintain size)
Expanding Endurance
This is probably one of the more difficult areas of physical fitness because it involves increasing ones oxygen capacity as well as reducing ones muscle fatigue threshold. The exercises required for such increases are difficult and include sprint, plyo-metric exercises and weight lifting maxing. While these physical fitness programs are difficult, they also yield significant results. It is advised, however, to build up to them slowly.