Ballet is one of the most commonly known forms of dance. It evolved from seventeenth century court dances in France. The world’s first ballet school, Paris Opera Ballet was established in 1700 and French is still the language of ballet today. Many people dream of being able to dance this beautiful and graceful dance. Even those who did not take ballet lessons as a child can enroll in adult beginner ballet classes at a later stage. It combines physical exercise with artistic expression, making it one of the most gratifying and challenging forms of exercise around.
Benefits of Learning Ballet as an Adult
Ballet gives a good cardiovascular work out and will burn off excess fat. It provides a great all round body toning. Ballet strengthens the core muscles, builds support for the spine and can help alleviate back pain. The stomach and leg muscles in particular will tone up quickly.
Ballet is fantastic for posture. Basic ballet positions teach students to stand straight and lengthen from the pelvis, with both hip bones parallel. Poise will be much improved as ballet instruction seeps into everyday life.
Rather than bulking out the body, ballet training lengthen the muscles, giving them a long, graceful appearance. People who practice regularly will see a “ballet line” develop in their physique.
What Gear is Needed for Adult Ballet Lessons
It is a good idea to buy a pair of leather or canvas ballet slippers before attending a ballet class. These will provide proper support and grip for the feet. Ballet clothes are very alluring – pink tights, leg warmers, tutus, wrap around tops – but there is no need to get extensively kitted out as a beginner (unless Fame fantasies are itching to be fulfilled).
Classic ballet wear (pink tights and black leotard) is designed to let the teacher see whether or not the muscles are working properly. Beginners can wear any form fitting work out clothes that show the line of the body (for example, leggings and a close fitting top).
Bring a water bottle and stay hydrated during class.
General Tips for Adult Beginners Ballet
- Try and stretch before ballet class begins. Ballet is more difficult for those with stiff muscles. Arrive early and stretch out on the barre for 10 – 15 minutes. The good news is that flexibility greatly improves with continued ballet practice.
- Don’t be intimidated by more advanced students. There is inevitably one sickeningly flexible person at class who can elevate her legs four times higher than everyone else. Luckily, adult ballet classes are fun and non-competitive. Learn to laugh off mistakes and overcome self consciousness of dancing in front of others – both of which are totally natural challenges faced by any ballet beginner.
- Invest in a ballet workout DVD which can be used for practicing at home. Any extra practice at home will greatly improve progress in the dance studio.
Adult ballet classes are a fun, sociable way to exercise. Any form of dance is a great stress buster and a challenging way to get fit.