At some point in your life, you will probably experience some level of back pain. This pain could be caused by an illness, by overuse of the back muscles, from sleeping in an uncomfortable bed, or from any number of other causes. Regardless of the cause, you need to know the best exercises for back problems.
Walk Tall
Walking is by far the best exercise for back pain and back problems. Stand up straight with your shoulders back, your buttocks tucked under, and your abs tight, and simply walk. It doesn’t matter how fast or slow you walk, as long as you walk. This exercise, done properly, helps to strengthen your core muscles in the back, and then, regardless of anything else you do, those muscles are able to withstand a great deal more. Try to walk at least thirty minutes each day, without stopping, keeping your posture in check while you do so.
Simple Stretching
Stretching exercises do more than stretch muscles to prepare them for exercise – they can also strengthen and lengthen the muscles, leading to less back pain. Remember that stretching should feel good. It should not hurt. Don’t just stretch the back muscles either. Make sure that you start at the top and work your way down – from the neck down to your feet. Do the stretches slowly. A full body stretch should take about ten to fifteen minutes, and the movements should be very gentle.
If you aren’t sure what to do, concentrate on how you feel. Do you feel the muscles stretching? If so, you are doing fine. If you are still unsure, there are numerous stretching videos that you can obtain that will show you exactly what to do.
Remember the Main Cause of Back Pain
Most people believe that the main cause of back pain is overstraining the back muscles. While that is definitely a cause, it isn’t the main cause. People who spend the majority of their time sitting experience the most instances of back pain. This is because most of us do not sit correctly – with our feet flat on the floor, sitting up straight with the abdominal muscles pulled tight and the shoulders back.
If you spend a lot of time sitting, you will also need to spend more time focusing exercise designed to prevent back pain as well.