Your are not a beginner anymore. Take the next step! Let’s get some more serious weights. Let’s gain some serious mass and muscle. We will take the next step – add assist-part muscles in work.
Start working! Grab this from for free and get some serious gains!
Remember to always start your workouts with some warm up exercises and stretching. This is vital for great progress and muscle gains!
(Exercise, sets, repetitions*)
Day 1 (Chest/Triceps/Shoulders):
- Bench Press 4 x 12,10,8
- Dumbbell presses on incline bench 2 x 12,10
- Standing barbell military presses 2 x 12,10
- Lateral dumbbell deltoid raises 3 x 15,12,12
- Cable crossover flies 3 x 12,10,8
- Dips 3 x 10,8,6
- Tricep V-bar pushdowns 2 x 12,10,8
- Skullcrushers with EZ-bar 3 x 10,8,6
Day 3 (Back/Biceps/Forearms):
- Deadlifts 4 x 15,12,10,8
- Lat pulls 3 x 12,10,8
- Dumbbell rows 3 x 12,10,8
- Chins 3 x max, 12, 10
- Preacher curls with EZ-bar 2 x 12,10
- Seated dumbbell hammer curls 3 x 10,8,6
- Reverse Barbell Curl 2 x 12,max
- Dumbbell Lying Pronation 3 x 15,12,10
Day 5 (Legs/ABS):
- Squats 4 x 12,10,10,8
- Leg presses 3 x 10,8,6
- Leg extension machine 3 x 10,8,6
- Lying Leg Curls 3 x 12,10,8
- Standing Calf Raises (Machine) 3 x 15,12,10
- ABS Machine 3 x 12,10,8
- Crunches 3 x 15,12,10
- Reverse Crunches 2 x 12,10
Stay focused on your goals – gaining mass and strength. Eat 4-5 complex meals a day, use supplements – protein (or weight gainer if you are a hard gainer), vitamins, creatine.
* We will improve our exercise database! But for now, if you don’t know how to perform some exercises, search the web.
Good luck!