Motivation is one of the most important things when it comes to gaining weight and muscle building, I would say – the most important. Without motivation your training process will be boring and unsuccessful.
There are lots of ways to get motivated and stay motivated. I will list down the most effective and popular, just to help you achieve your goals!
So, Let’s go:
- Music – this is probably the most popular way to stay motivated. But you should not chose some pop or r’n’b music… this just sucks for bodybuilding, weightlifting and similar sports.. you need something aggressive, you need power, you need RAGE! To get these things done, you should listen to something alternative (like Metallica, Dope ) or rap with powerful beats. This will definitely help!
- Anger – this is powerfull.. this is outrageous!!! When you are angry you can generate a lot more power! Before doing some hardcore squats you should get angry… think of something you love and then imagine that it is taken away..! You can squat heavy.. no – you can SQUAT HEAVY!
These were the in-gym motivation types but there are some deeper motivations too. Anger and music gets you motivated for a little period of time, but you need general motivation too..
- PRO – just watch how pro athletes do their thing and think of it as “I can do the same! I am NOT worse.. in fact I am better than him – I WILL DO BETTER”. Think of those pro’s as your idols … and time after time just watch some movie or pictures with them. This will keep you motivated
- Encouragement– encouragement helps a lot. Tell someone about your goals. Do not be ashame! Speak with people about your trainings and you will want to go to gym day after day.
Good luck! And remember to stay motivated!