If you want to get bigger arms you just have to hit the biceps harder at the gym with more exercises and add them into more days during the week right?
WRONG. That is the most common mistake amongst people trying to get bigger arms. More is not always better and in this case it can be one of the hindrances holding you back from explosive arms.
Over-working your biceps to complete exhaustion every time you go to the gym does not allow them the proper time to recover and rebuild the muscle fibers. You have to remember that every time you do an exercise like pull-ups and rows that you are targeting the biceps indirectly as well.
Now that you are armed with a little more insight into where to correct your routine, try aiming for one directly targeted bicep exercise (barbell curls) one time per week for 4 sets. This should be within the constraints of a 3 day per week gym routine. Stop doing 4 different varied exercises directly on the bicep and try this tip that will allow more recover and growth time.
The Truth about the Tricep
Most people seeking big arms fail to realize the size of the tricep. Women love biceps and abs right? So no wonder why so many guys are in the gym doing biceps each and every day they are working out.
The tricep actually consumes a far larger portion of your arm than the bicep does making it an ideal muscle to target for arm growth. You will see much more explosive arm growth by focusing on the tricep too rather than ignoring it and only slaving away on the preacher curl.
In order to see your progress it is important to measure and log the circumference of your arm. Every few weeks you can take a new reading to see your gains, while you are on your quest to those 20” biceps.