When it comes to Weight Gain and Muscle Building – the process if full of joy! But… there are some undesirable side effects at times (Hey! Nothing is perfect you know! ) In this article I will speak about one of them – Stretch Marks or striae (singular stria), as they are called in dermatology.
How and why stretch marks appear, and how to cure them later in this article.
The first signs of Stretch Marks
When you are performing your usual workout routines, you may notice that the skin gets red or even purple in the areas worked out. Some think of it as sweating or strain of the workout, but this is wrong! The saddest thing is that men usually think that they can not get stretch marks. But… we can – and when we face the fact, stretch marks are already in very bad condition.
Why do Stretch Marks occur?
We want to build gain weight, build big muscle but the skin, poor skin, has its own limits – it can’t be stretched so much, and – blam!, skin splits and leaves a stretch mark. Mostly people think that stretch marks is a problem of teenagers and pregnant women, but nowadays the problem has spread across the bodybuilders too. This is a problem of every person who goes to gym, even for them, who just want to tone up body! This is serious!
If you want to work out intensively you must use some kind of skin protection to help your skin withstand the heavy stretch. There are numerous of creams that help to prevent and even to cure those scars. The creams penetrate the sites where the skin was damaged and your own body begins to repair the damaged skin – this results in a healthy skin with barely noticeable stretch marks.
But don’t buy those creams without researching which would be the best for you! The market is fulfilled with /so to say/ crap. Don’t buy the creams from some “friends” or some unauthorized dealers, you should buy the creams from some sports nutrition shop (very effective creams) or the drugstore will work too (not always effective).
But remember that not always you can get rid of those stretches! Sometimes you will just have to give up the fight and think of something else… the best way is to avoid stretch marks not try to cure them. Keep your skin healthy all the time, not only when something bad has happened!