It is very popular to say that fat loss for women is nearly impossible. ”You will have to sacrifice everything, you just have to lose that belly fat.” But is it so? Of course not. This is a myth made up by those women who gave up, by those who find it difficult to take care of themselves, their own health and beauty.. but you are not like them!
Ok – for women it is harder to lose weight than men, because of these physiological differences. But this is possible and it is far away from impossible, and you can do it if you want! You can make men to scream for your sexy belly! Further in text I will describe why women usually fail in the process. This will give you chance to learn from others and make your way to flat belly a lot easier.
Well there are three main reasons why women usually fail. First-failure to plan and get knowledge, second-failure to keep up with the plan, third-losing weight for someone else not for themselves. If you have failed, think over why did that happen and I’m quite sure that it will be one of the reasons listed above:
1) Failure to get knowledge
You must study, study about fat loss, about your body and most important – start from the basics, and try to do it by yourself or well known specialists, because there are a lot of ‘’specialists” out there who offer their help (expensive), but they don’t really know what they are talking about. A lot better way to lose weight is searching for some friends of yours, who have succeeded in losing weight and carefully listen to them. Their experience can help… no it WILL help in your journey.
2) Failure to plan
If you want to succeed you must prepare for the battle with fat! No one have won the fight just with good luck. Don’t do as 90% of the women does – find some woman magazine, see a diet, jump on it and wait for results… this works in very rare situations ONLY. Don’t believe to those magazines, they are made because of money and that is what they need – woman buying them, they don’t care about your fat or anything else. Keep that in mind. If your successive friends (those who really lost some weight) has some diet and workout plans – perfect! Take them and maybe modify them a bit just to make sure that they will work 100% for you! There are no universal fat loss recipes, so you should stick with the basics and modify only specific things in your diet/workout.
3) YOU Don’t REALLY Want To Lose Weight.
Many woman just have a dream of flat belly and sexy butt.. but that is only a dream! You must have a strong determination to lose weight! You must think of it, not as “I want to lose weight(fat)..” but as “I MUST lose that weight(fat)!” The first sentence sounds as “I want a candy..” So remember – strong… I mean, STRONG, determination is what really matters!