Sport and exercise requires energy, and that energy comes from two sources – carbohydrates and fat that is stored in your body. Carbohydrates are used up very quickly, which is why low-carbohydrates work so well for losing weight – it causes your body to burn more fat because there is nothing else to use for energy. So, does this mean that you should eat more carbohydrates before sport?
The Best Foods to Eat Before Sport
It isn’t necessarily carbohydrates that you need to fuel your sport. In fact, what you need is best determined by the type of sport your will play, how much body fat you have, and how much of that fat you want to lose. In most cases, however, because carbohydrates burn off quickly, carbohydrates are recommended.
Pasta, energy bars, fruits, breads, yogurt, potatoes, cereals, and milk are all great foods to eat before sport, but you should also include high sources of protein, including meat and peanut butter.
Should You Eat Immediately Before Sport?
You should not eat immediately before exercise or sport because this can make it harder for the food to digest – and it can make you feel sluggish and sick.
Most experts suggest waiting at least an hour after eating before participating in sport, but some suggest that forty five minutes before sport is good as well, because it doesn’t take long for the body to use up the stores of carbohydrates that are stored in the muscles.
What You Should Not Eat Before Sport
While fat is one of the sources of energy during sport, it is not recommended that you consume foods that have a lot of fat in them before sport. These foods are very slow to digest. This can also lead to stomach cramps. Some experts suggest that meat should be avoided because of this, and that other sources of protein should be used.
Foods that should absolutely be avoided before sport include potato chips, fried foods, doughnuts, and candy bars or other sugary foods. The one thing that you should not do is avoid all food prior to sport. Additionally, you need to make sure that you are drinking enough fluids prior to sport, including water and sport drinks. Without proper hydration, you can experience the same stomach cramps that you might experience after eating too much food before sport, eating too close to participating in sports, or in eating the wrong foods before sport.