Author: Chris Ritchie

You exercise and exercise at the gym and still don’t get the results that you want. You’ve attended aerobics classes religiously, without good results. What are you doing wrong? You are most likely doing the wrong exercises. There are easy home exercises for rock hard abs that you can do, without any fancy equipment or a gym. Sit Ups or Crunches? The jury is in, and experts agree, crunches are healthier for you than sit ups. Crunches are more effective when it comes to toning the abdominal muscles, and they are simply better for your back. Get help from an…

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If you really want to build muscle, there are numerous things that you can do. Building muscle starts with the right foods and the right exercises – in the right amounts. Building muscle can also include the use of various supplements. If you want to use these, you need to have a clear understanding of 5 supplements to assist with muscle building. Protein and Creatine Supplements for Muscle Building Protein is the essential ingredient in muscle building. Without protein, you cannot build muscle at all, and in fact, you will lose a great deal of muscle. You should be consuming…

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The physicality of a sport involves the combination of endurance, strength, power, agility, flexibility and durability it requires to participate effectively in that sport. There are many arguments for each sport and some require more of one of these factors than others. Most sports are very physically demanding on the body and require a great amount of practice and routine to participate in. Some sports are more physically demanding than others; compare the sport of boxing to that of fishing as an example. Criteria to Determine the Most Physically Demanding SportsEndurance in the ability to sustain a particular skill or…

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The human race is putting a great deal more emphasis on health lately, and one of the issues that we face is getting to a healthy weight, without losing healthy muscle. If this is a concern of yours, you need to know how to get more muscle from healthy foods. Why We Lose Muscle DietingWe tend to lose healthy muscle when we are dieting because we severely limit foods. The body is self preserving, and when you deprive it of food, it will literally start feeding on itself – primarily from muscle. This is why eating is such an essential…

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Going to the gym for your workout three times a week can become very old, very fast. Before you know it, you are only going once a week, and it won’t be long before you’ve completely ditched your exercise routine – and you’ve found a million reasons why you simply don’t have time for those all important workouts. You need 10 tips to changing your attitude to exercise. Why We Avoid Exercise We avoid exercise for a number of reasons. The biggest reason is that it isn’t much fun. The second biggest reason is that we don’t have time. The…

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If you are looking for effective ways to build your biceps you should educate yourself on isolating muscle groups. Once you are able to isolate specific groups of muscles you are able to set a routine in motion to build your biceps effectively. If you do not know the proper exercises to isolate certain groups of muscles speak with a trainer at the gym who can help you get started. Effective Ways to Build Your Biceps with Slow and Steady Repetition Biceps are not built overnight. Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to building up the guns! …

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Do you ever worry about how your butt looks in your favorite jeans? Most people do consider it – or should. Unfortunately, not everyone has a nice looking butt – regardless of what they wear. To get a butt that you like, and that others will admire, you need to do some easy butt shaping exercises. Leg Lifts for a Better Butt Shape Get on your hands and knees. Extend one leg straight out behind you, and lift that leg as high as you can. Hold it in the air for a few seconds, squeezing the glutes as you hold.…

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People have been doing some version of sit ups for years in an effort to flatten their stomachs, tone their abdomen and strengthen their cores. Have all these years of working the abdominals reaped havoc on the back? Experts do not agree on the subject. Many people say that sit ups strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and back while others say that sit ups can damage the spinal column or its discs leading to lower back pain for the rest of your life. Why Do Sit Ups Damage Your Back?The range of motion most people use in doing a…

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With this the amount of exercise and physical activity has severely decreased for many children. It is estimated that of every 3 children in America that 1 of them is overweight. The Impact of Television on Childhood Obesity – Commercials A recent study conducted in 2010 stated that it is not the amount of television that the child watches but rather the number of junk food commercials they see during that time period that increase the risk of childhood obesity. The study showed that children who watch television with junk food commercials were more likely to be overweight than children…

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Energy, in either case, must be supplied from one of two sources. Sources of energy during sport come from fat that is stored throughout the body or from carbohydrates that have been recently stored in the muscles. Energy from Carbohydrates If you are doing a high intensity workout, or playing a high intensity sport, your body will automatically adjust to burn more carbohydrate as energy. It still burns fat as well, however – it is just that it burns more carbohydrate during this time. If you’ve ever wondered why you tire out faster during a high intensity workout, it is…

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