You exercise and exercise at the gym and still don’t get the results that you want. You’ve attended aerobics classes religiously, without good results. What are you doing wrong? You are most likely doing the wrong exercises. There are easy home exercises for rock hard abs that you can do, without any fancy equipment or a gym.
Sit Ups or Crunches?
The jury is in, and experts agree, crunches are healthier for you than sit ups. Crunches are more effective when it comes to toning the abdominal muscles, and they are simply better for your back. Get help from an expert to learn the proper way to do crunches, and make sure that you do them for a few minutes each and every day.
One of the best things about crunches is that they are free, and they do not take up a great deal of your time. You can do them on the floor at home, or even in your office. You don’t have to do hundreds of crunches at a time to get the results that you want – but you do have to do them daily.
Use the Legs to Build the Abdomen Muscles
Legs weight more than you realize, regardless of how light or how heavy you are. Use your legs to build your abdomen muscles. Lie on the floor, on your back, and lift your legs off the floor a few inches. Hold this position for several seconds, and notice that you are actually using your lower abdominal muscles for this activity.
An alternative to this exercise is to lie on the floor, on your back, lift your legs off the floor, bend your knees, and bring your knees up to your chest. Hold the position, and then reverse it. This isn’t as effective as the first method, but there are benefits to it.
Non-exercises to Build the Abdominal Muscles
Believe it or not, there are some things that you can do that will build these muscles that are not actually considered to be exercise. Learn to pull yourself up straight and to hold your stomach in. This activity actually builds the muscle, and it also makes you look slimmer and taller.
Even if you never purchase any exercise equipment or walk into a gym, you can still have rock hard abs. It’s just a matter of taking the time to exercise those muscles each day with some simple crunches and leg lifts. Even if you only exercise for fifteen or twenty minutes each day in this manner, you will be amazed at the results that you get.