Porridges contains protein, zinc, iron, magnesium, antioxidants, vitamin B, vitamin E and phytochemicals. These can all help boost your immune system! It can also help stabilize blood sugar, and reduce the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. Finally, porridge can help with weight loss. It is considered a perfect meal for athletes and bodybuilders and should be incorporated into the regimen of those involved in muscle building activities.
Here is a top of main porridge meals by caloric rating:
1st place – Buckwheat (has most vitamins)-120kcal per100g
2nd place – Oatmeal (the smartest porridge)-160kcal per100g
3rd place – Pearl porridge (the most beautiful one, sometimes it is called”porridge beauty”) -88kcal per100g
4th place – Pea porridge (most optimal one) -80kcal per100g
5th place – Corn porridge – 86kcal per100g
6th place- Rice (the cleansing porridge)- 144kcal per100g
7th place- Millet (porridge for the heart)-89kcal per100g
8place – Semolina (most harmful porridge,because it contains starchand gluten) -100kcal per100g