Author: andrew-custard

Muscle regeneration – naturally occurs during rest, while in case if they are overtrained, we will not be able to achieve its goal. Therefore, we must make a reasonable length of breaks. Each person has an individual rhythm of cell regeneration, it depends on the age, genetics, nutrition and other factors. There are different periods of regeneration for various muscle groups. For example pectorals are recovered on average in 2 days, arm muscles requires one day, legs sometimes require up to one week. But you should always listen to your body. If you don’t feel fatigue, muscle pain, and have…

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Porridges contains protein, zinc, iron, magnesium, antioxidants, vitamin B, vitamin E and phytochemicals. These can all help boost your immune system! It can also help stabilize blood sugar, and reduce the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. Finally, porridge can help with weight loss. It is considered a perfect meal for athletes and bodybuilders and should be incorporated into the regimen of those involved in muscle building activities. Here is a top of main porridge meals by caloric rating: 1st place – Buckwheat (has most vitamins)-120kcal per100g 2nd place – Oatmeal (the smartest porridge)-160kcal per100g 3rd place – Pearl porridge…

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Cottage cheese has the ability to be fully absorbed by the body, while not contaminating it with various harmful dyes and additives. Cottage cheese contains phosphorus, necessary for proper growth of bones and useful for people with fractures and those suffering from diseases of the hematopoietic system, hypertension, heart disease, as well as with rickets, renal diseases and hypertension. The milk protein, which is part of cottage cheese has a great nutritional value and can be an excellent alternative to animal proteins. Amino acids that are contained in cottage cheese prevent the development of liver disease in the B-vitamin complex…

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Ingredients: Curd (cottage cheese) 2- 5% fat Banana – 1 piece Oat flakes Honey Water or milk (optional) You can also add nuts / dried fruit / seeds. Method of preparation: Cottage cheese and cereal should be put in a bowl, add a little milk / water and honey. All should be mixed together into a single mass. After that add banana rubbed on a grater. To obtain a homogeneous mass, spread on a baking spoon previously smeared with oil. Preheat the oven and bake at 150 ‘degrees for about 15-20 minutes.

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There is no anabolic steroid, more popular or frequently used than testosterone, in the matter of scope and effectiveness. The testosterone hormone, to which owe their existence almost all steroids, is not only a great tool in building impressive mass and strength, but at the same time an efficient assistant in maintaining these two qualities. Regardless of your purpose: cutting, pumping or just adding a small increase of your athletic performance exogenous testosterone will help you achieve all of these goals. In addition, this hormone is available in different forms and shapes, ready to meet individual needs. Of course, in…

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Nowadays we live in an era where technology can motivate us to great accomplishments in fitness. Whether we’re talking about pedometers or iPods, 21st century tech can make any workout — even the harshest — more enjoyable. Here are some gadgets that may help your workout or cardio training process: Sports watch are ideal for hiking and several other outdoor activities, many of them feature GPS, heart rate monitors, barometers, compasses, and much more. Pulse oximeter. This device usually attaches to your fingertip, then delivers pulse information and oxygenation levels directly to your smartphone. Waterproof Bluetooth earbuds will allow you…

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According to Japanese traditions a half a teaspoon of ground ginger is more effective than chemical medication in suppressing motion or seasickness. And unlike most medication, it will not make you feel drowsy. Ginger or ginger root is the rhizome of the plant Zingiber officinale. Other notable members of this plant family are turmeric, cardamom, and galangal. In medicine ginger has been promoted as a cancer treatment to keep tumors from developing. Ginger has been used in the Orient for centuries to prevent sea sickness.Researchers asked subjects who were especially susceptible to motion sickness to sit in a reclining chair…

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The yoga plough In this exercise, you lie down on your back and then try to sweep your legs up and over, trying to touch your knees to your ears. This position places excessive stress on the lower back, and on the discs of the spine. Not to mention the fact that it compresses the lungs and heart, and makes it very difficult to breathe. This particular exercise also stretches a region that is frequently flexed as a result of improper posture. This stretch is a prime example of an exercise that is very easy to do incorrectly. However, with…

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Type I fibers (sometimes called slow-twitch or slow-oxidative fibers) are better designed for prolonged exercise performed at a lower intensity. In comparison to Type II fibers, Type I fibers will have more mitochondria and rely more heavily on the aerobic generation of ATP. The primary energy molecules used to generate ATP in these muscle cells will be fatty acids and glucose. Since ATP production in mitochondria requires oxygen, proper function of these muscle fibers is very dependent upon oxygen supply via the blood. Luckily, Type I muscle cells always seem to have many capillaries around them to deliver oxygen-endowed blood.…

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Oatmeal is an inexpensive and delicious way to get more fiber into your diet. One reason oats are such a good choice is that only the inedible outer hull of the oats is removed in processing. The oat bran stays on the kernel, so you always get some bran whenever you eat oat foods. The oatmeal shelf at the supermarket can be a little confusing. Here’s a rundown: Steel-cut oats. The most expensive kind, these are oat grains that have been cut very roughly. They take a long time to cook (20 to 30 minutes—plus you have to stir them…

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