Author: andrew-custard

if you learn to eat right, you can double the benefits of your training, crafting the body you want in half the time.Mens Fitness Magazine Yes, that’s right nutrition really is the basis of success in any training regime. Most successful bodybuilders and fitness professionals will tell you that most of the hard work is done in the kitchen not the gym. This is what generates a core problem for most people. They see the work in the kitchen as hard work. Let’s face it have you tried doing what all the books say and writing down all the calories…

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The nutrition part of any muscle building plan is hugely important. Below is a list of muscle building foods you should incorporate into your diet. Meat, Fish & Poultry 1 Steak Considered the best muscle building meat due to high levels of iron, zinc and creatine. Can be expensive if you’re on a budget. Even if you need to buy cheap always look for the leanest cuts. 2 Turkey Personally turkey is the ultimate meat despite it always coming second to chicken. Turkey is much leaner with next to 0g of saturated fat. 3 Chicken Obviously the choice of many…

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Creatine is a hugely popular muscle building supplement due to its ability to improve stamina and endurance as well as muscle growth and development. A widely studied nutrient it has been found to be both safe and effective for muscle builders and athletes. Creatine is a nitrogenous organic acid that helps supply energy to all cells in the body, primarily muscle. It is naturally produced in the liver and kidney from the amino acids arginine, glycine and methionine. From here it is transported in the blood to be used by the muscles. Around 95-98% of creatine found in the human…

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Glutamine is the most common amino acid in the body making up over 60% of skeletal muscle tissue. Glutamine is listed as a non-essential amino acid as it can be produced in the body. The body can make what it needs for everyday life, however when under extreme stress such as heavy intense exercise the body requires more than it can provide. Used for the treatment of a number of ailments glutamine has also become hugely popular among bodybuilders and strength trainers. 19% of glutamine is nitrogen making it a primary transporter of nitrogen too the muscles. However rather than…

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The pre-workout market is absolutely full of supplements that promise many magical and wonderful things. You know the sort the thing, ‘pack on 30lbs of pure muscle’ and so on. These are usually claims that can’t deliver. However there are many products on the market that if used with a proper workout and nutrition plan can add that extra edge to your gains. Firstly, the general nutrition rules you should follow to maximise your workout. By following those rules you will be able to get through your workout with ease. However it has been found that supplementing before a workout…

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Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey For some time now Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey has been regarded as one of the best powders on the market winning many awards along the way to say so. Here at tpxmuscle we wanted a closer look to see what all the hype is about. Looking first at the important factor which is protein content you will not be dissapointed. ON gold standard whey offers an impressive 24g of protein per 30 g serving. This comes with little of those additives that come with other powders. This means the product contains only…

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If you’re starting out on a muscle building quest then you need to get to know protein. Protein should be your best friend and will make sure you pack on the most amount of muscle possible. This is because protein is the building block of every cell in the body and a major component of muscle. What is protein? Protein is one of three macronutrients needed and used by the body. It is made up of a chain of amino acids. Amino acids are made up of essential and non-essential. The non-essential amino acids are found in the body while…

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It is the common assumption that fats make you fat. However this is not the case at all. Fats have to be present in the diet in order for the body to function properly. Rather it is the consumption of calories that makes you fat. If you eat more than the body burns off then you will gain weight. Just as if you eat fewer calories than needed your body will lose weight. Fats Fats are a necessary part of the diet as they digest fat soluble vitamins. These are vitamins A, D, E and K and the body needs…

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Protein is crucial to muscle building as it is the main building block of muscle tissue. If you are trying to build muscle then getting enough protein in your diet will be deciding factor in your success. Getting the high levels of protein you need from food alone can be difficult. Therefore many people use and benefit from protein supplements. Protein supplements help increase size, strength and speed of recovery. Protein supplements are convenient and easy to use providing you with a great tasting quality protein source. Looking for a protein supplement is not easy as there are so many…

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