Tired of reading crappy ”do this, eat that articles”? Well this article won’t be the usual yadda yadda article. I will write only things that matter. First thing – I want you to do is look at your current diet plan. Count how many calories come from fat, protein and carbs. Analyze your diet. Because I will show you how to eat the right way, maybe you won’t even need to change a lot!
This diet will be for those who want to increase lean body mass without gaining too much fat. This can even cut down some percents of your body fat!
Meal 1
7:00 – 30 grams of whey protein with water (drinking with milk will result in more fat in your diet), this will load your body with protein after the night. After some 20-30 minutes you should eat an omlette with bread and juice (try not to drink coffee because it dehydrates your body)
Meal 2
10:00 – one portion of gainer (at least 40 grams of protein), same thing with milk as in breakfast. Eat some fruit with this meal too (bananas, apples or something like that)
Meal 3
13:00 – 150 to 200 grams of lean meat (skinless chicken or tuna) with brown rice and some salad (type of salat depend how many extra fat are you ready to gain with this diet) + big fruit
Meal 4
16:00 – one portion of gainer with creatine. And any type of fast carbs (biscuits, apples …) if workout comes after this meal.
Meal 5
18:00 – post workout shake (including at least 40 grams of protein). 0.6..0.8 grams of dextrose per 1 kilo of bodyweight. 5 grams of creatine.
Meal 6
19:00 – now we are starting to reduce the carbs because it is evening, body wont be able to burn them before sleep – extra fat. So skinless chicken or tuna (other lean beef will do the job too) some brown rice and veggies.
Meal 7
22:00 – 30 grams of protein but now only and ONLY with water.
Meal 8
xx.xx – you can take casein protein right before you go to sleep, this way you will feed you muscles all night and wont wake up so hungry.
This is just and example (working example though) of and muscle building diet. You can eat pasta sometimes instead of rice (pasta stacks up more fat). You can vary with this diet but stick to the high protein intake.