The word “testosterone” is very often mentioned in the world of bodybuilding. But what actually is it? We won’t talk here about it’s importance in your sexual life, and how it makes boy’s into men. We will talk here about why testosterone is important if you want to gain weight, build strong body and muscle and look like those guys on the magazine covers.
So, testosterone is a steroid hormone that is secreted in the testes of males and the ovaries of females. It is the principal male sex hormone and an anabolic steroid, but it is found in woman in a much lower dosage too (Thank God it’s so. I’m sure you don’t want a girlfriend that have bigger muscles than you do). This hormone is very important in building lean muscle mass and strength as it so anabolic. So it is not a surprise that many bodybuilders are using testosterone boost supplements to boost this hormone level in their body. Also it is important in increasing bone density – so the bones will get more stronger.
There are a lot of testosterone booster supplements. But how to increase this “magical” hormone level in our body naturally? Here you go:
- OK, lets start with the most enjoyable thing – have a lot of sex! Yes, this is true! Sex helps to increase testosterone level in males. So go and tell this to your girlfriend. She want you to have beautiful, muscled body. So…
- Limit your alcohol! If you are training hard all week, but having a lot of drinking parties in the weekend, don’t be surprised that you won’t see any progress. Don’t get me wrong – drinking some bear with your friends in Friday is very OK, but you have to limit your alcohol drinking habits to minimum in order to keep your testosterone level normal.
- Eat some fat. It is proven that eating some fat is good boost of testosterone in your body. It does not mean that you have to go now and load up with butter or oil, no. I just want to say that do not be afraid of having some fat in your meals.
- Limit your endurance training. Endurance training (swimming, long distance running, distance skiing e.t.c) decreases the level of testosterone in your body. Have you seen these marathon runners with big muscle mass? I have not. They are just “skin and bones”. But do not forget that you need to do some stretching exercises and warm up with running or cycling before your workout in order to help your heart.
- Limit your workout to maximum 1 hour. It is proven that hard workout is good testosterone boost if it lasts for maximum 1 hour. Just work very hard with less time to rest between sets. Very good example how to increase testosterone level in your body is by doing leg workouts that are high intensity and very brief. Squats with high weights or, for example, sprinting.
Of course, you can search for some testosterone booster supplements, but we recommend you just to keep in mind our suggestions. I’m sure you’ll remember the one about having a lot of sex. But all the other ones are as much important. Good Luck!