Author: Chris Ritchie

The truth is simple as 2+2 – compound exercises build muscle better than isolation exercises. Compound exercises work multiple muscle groups at a time and it’s proven, that it provides a lot better results in strength and growth.A great example here is the almighty squat and deadlift – these exercises train a lot of muscle groups at the same time which provides to fantastic results in strength, growth and muscle mass gains. But don’t throw isolation exercises away… why? Read in this article. Isolation exercisesIsolation exercises work only one muscle or muscle group at the time.We usually perform these exercises…

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Deadlift is one of the three most important exercises (other two are squat and bench press). Many are afraid to do the deadlift because it can hurt your back badly. Yes, that is right, but only if you perform it with wrong technique or inadequate weights. Deadlift is an easy-to-understand exercise, but even if you have mastered it, you should perform it with caution and full awareness. In this article – technique and basics. Deadlift is the only exercise in which all muscles are working at the same time! This exercise is a great testostosterone booster and it really helps…

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Always dreamed to drop off some extra pounds? First you must consider what are your goals and exactly what you are wiling to do in order to reach them. Maybe it sounds quite unimportant for the first thing to mention, but these are the basics. You can’t build a house without bricks and plans, as you can’t drop off on weight without plan and exact goals! Setting goals is just the first step… you must record your progress in order to get motivated and see your progress! You can do it by taking photos or writing down your weight and so on.…

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Again Friday! Another party! Yoo-hoo…!!! And what most parties are based on? Of course it is beer.. and alcohol in general… Is it bad ? Can we do it both ways, and what happens to you and your body when you drink and in the morning after a hard night drinking – you will find it out in this article! After reading this article I hope you will understand how bad drinking is affecting your gains and diminishing your progress.Alcohol is empty calories. It does not have any nutrition but it has caloric value of 7 per gram of alcohol.…

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Stretching is very important phase of your training! Stretching is NOT warm up and they do NOT replace each other! You should do your stretching first, and after it you can do your warm up sets. Stretching makes your muscle more flexible and really helps to prevent injuries. It also makes the blood circulation in your muscles more effective. Stretching does not increase you testosterone level – it is just not that kind of exercise! It will just prepare your body for the exercises that really can increase your testosterone level! And if you are stretched enough, you can perform…

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Your are not a beginner anymore. Take the next step! Let’s get some more serious weights. Let’s gain some serious mass and muscle. We will take the next step – add assist-part muscles in work. Start working! Grab this from for free and get some serious gains! Remember to always start your workouts with some warm up exercises and stretching. This is vital for great progress and muscle gains! (Exercise, sets, repetitions*) Day 1 (Chest/Triceps/Shoulders):Bench Press 4 x 12,10,8 Dumbbell presses on incline bench 2 x 12,10 Standing barbell military presses 2 x 12,10 Lateral dumbbell deltoid raises 3…

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Most of the people think that bodybuilding (muscle building, fitness or whatever) is mainly based on proper training. Well.. yes, you need to train the right way but 75-80% of the results come from eating and recovery. So basically – you can skip a workout but you should never skip a meal! You can reach your goals only with regular, everyday basis and patience. In muscle building nothing happens fast or easy – changes in your body will appear after about 4-6 months. There are four main postulates of nutrition – water, protein, carbohydrates, fat. Three of them are a…

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For building big muscle you have to train big. I mean REAL BIG. As they say “Lift heavy or go home!”. This is true, but (as always there is at least one “but”… ) never ever overtrain your muscle. You don’t build your muscle at the gym. Nope. You build your muscle while you sleep, while you rest. Your body have to transform that holy protein in a freaky nice, lean muscle mass. If that is not what is happening to you – something is wrong and most likely you just overtrain your body. You can lose your muscle mass!Yes,…

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No doubt that you have heard about steroids. And of course you have heard about the harm they can do to your body. But there are alternatives in the market! Less harmful, cheaper and LEGAL! These steroid alternatives can math steroids in effectiveness – steroids beat them only with their huge prices and bad effects on health! In this article we listed down the best legal steroid alternative products in the market. TriaTherm Deca is a well known fat-burning steroid. And TriaTherm is it’s alternative. This is something you want to have in order to burn some serious fat and…

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This is the ultimate Gym Etiquette listing. Use towel to wipe the machine you were using. No one likes to lie down on a sweaty bench! Re-rack your weights. Forget all the ”It was there when I came!”, just do it! Grunting is OK, consistent screaming is not. I’m happy you’re pumped up, but it breaks my concentration if I can hear you over my music. Don’t be egoist and share the machine you are working on, no one wants to stay in line. Try not to walk in-between mirror and someone who is doing exercises. Give people their space.…

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